• Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ ID: #2074
  • Bids: 0
  • Views: 1,526 Condition: New
  • Seller: elenas farm
  • Posted: June 14, 2017 6:05 pm

Guaranteed no need for incubator next year when chicks are mature. Not all but almost half will get broody.

Each egg is checked for fertility. Eggs are not older than 1 day. Eggs are collected 2-3 times a day.

Pictures are of my actual birds which I have now. Not all of them are in the pictures. All our chickens are hatched naturally, no hormones, no
antibiotics, and free range.

Pure breeds which I still have :
Naked Neck
Plymouth Rock
Ameraucana = lays olive eggs
New Hampshire red
Rhode Island Red
Gold Laced Wyandotte
Black Australorp

Most of our chickens are hybrids.
You can look at the pictures to see some of them. We started crossing
pure breeds and let them cross. Compared with pure breeds hybrids are
healthier,stronger, lay more eggs, and they are good mothers (broody,
hatch babies, and raise them.) They take the best genes from 2 breeds.
Our hybrids crosses are
hens for laying not table birds. We get beautiful chickens with
exquisite plumage and different color shades so every one of them is

My hen’s hatching rate is around 90% but I do not use incubators, I use my girls. This is how I renew my flock.

We are not responsible for your hatching rate, too many factors are involved that we can not control once the eggs are shipped.
Please understand that your h
atching rate depends of your experience at incubating.

We are not responsible for postal office handling. We
package the eggs individually with bubble wrap. Each box is marked
Shipping USPS priority mail, in 2-3 days you will have the eggs. Sometimes order shipped in 2 separate packages.

Thank you for buying and checking up our listing.