• Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ ID: #1930
  • Bids: 0
  • Views: 4,146 Condition: New
  • Seller: simonero2
  • Posted: June 2, 2018 5:35 pm

15 button quail hatching eggs from my mixed color flock, they will come up with some interesting colors. Button quail are the smallest of all quail and are ornamental or used for cleaning aviaries. These are easy to keep and fun to watch for the kids and lay an hypoallergenic egg.


  My eggs are never washed and are stored in a cool, dark place at around 61 degrees. I hand deliver to the post office at the time of the trucks departure. Once the eggs leave my home I can no longer be responsible for their condition at arrival. I will replace broken ones once the post office clears refund. I try my best to ship in a timely manner, but i usually don’t like eggs sitting around and will collect during auction times, in hopes the girls do their job. That is out of my hands and sometimes it might take me a little longer to ship.

 Please, note that hatch rate and fertility rates are 2 different things. Hatch rates can vary widely depend on the post offices handling of your eggs in transit and your incubation method. I do not guarantee hatch rate. I hand deliver to the post office just before the truck leaves for sorting facility, once they left my hands I can no longer be responsible for the condition of the mailed eggs. Eggs can be held at the post office for your pickup. This is a good idea if you live in an area with very hot or cold weather. It may increase hatch rate. If you would like to do this I need your local post office address and your phone number so they can contact you upon the eggs arrival. NPIP

Thanks, for looking!