Auction Finished countrymomma5 was the winning bidder.

  • Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ ID: #1207
  • Bids: 1 Highest Bidder: countrymomma5
  • Views: 3,948 Condition: New
  • Posted: April 4, 2017 11:05 am

We are offering an awesome assortment of rare purebred hatching eggs. Your eggs will come in a rainbow of colors (like featured picture). Your breeds could include any of the following breeds in numerous colors:

Ameraucana (purebred – NOT easter egger)
Olive Egger
Super Blue Egg Layer
English Orpington
Bantam Cochin (Possible Frizzle)
Salmon Faverolle
Plymouth Rock
Lyonnaise (Possible Frizzle)
Lemon Cuckoo Niederrheiner 
Bantam Cornish
French Marans
We always rotate our breeder pens, this gives our different breeds the opportunity to free range. So we cannot guarantee what breed you will get, but we can guarantee you will they will be purebred and that you will get a wide variety! We will make sure and mark each egg to let you know what breed you will be getting. If you are looking to start a backyard flock or just want to add some amazing birds to your current flock, then this assortment is for you!
We are not a hatchery, we are a small homestead and this is our passion and hobby, so all our birds are super spoiled. We always have too many eggs to fit in our incubators so we have decided to sell some. We have had an excellent hatch rate and fertility on these using three different types of incubators and some of our broody hens. If you win this auction, please pay promptly since hatching eggs are time sensitive. We collect our eggs every day, several times a day. If you win this auction, we only ship eggs on Mondays or Tuesdays. This avoids eggs sitting at postal centers over a weekend. We will ship your eggs within one week (7 calendar days) after auction in won and full payment is received.
Please read before bidding:
We do not guarantee shipped eggs to hatch, ever. 
Even with all the special care that we take, unfortunately, we cannot anticipate what rate of hatch, if any, that you will get . We usually include extra hatching eggs during auctions.
There are way too many variables with shipped eggs to guarantee hatchability. We collect the eggs several times a day and guarantee them to be fresh and arrive in good shape. There are no other guarantees expressed or implied on hatching eggs.  
Having said that, we ship extras to cover any breakage. If you receive broken eggs and end up with less than the original auction I will refund or reship the broken eggs at our discretion. If eggs are reshipped you will need to pay a second shipping fee. If broken eggs are refunded it is minus the shipping. Free eggs are never reshipped or refunded. EGGS THAT DO NOT DEVELOP or HATCH ARE NOT REFUNDED or REPLACED only eggs that arrive broken.
In order to receive a refund for eggs that arrive broken you MUST email me a picture of the box, and all the eggs (broken and intact) as soon as they are unpacked. Ex: if the auction is for 12 eggs and you receive 15 and three are broken there is no refund or replacement, we do not refund or replace free eggs. (Sorry but there are some people who just don’t understand that)
 The most damage to shipped eggs is the bouncing/ shuffling by the postal service for which we have NO control over. Once we drop them at the post office it is out of our hands.
Thanks for bidding and HAPPY HATCHING!! High Rollers Homestead