• Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ ID: #1556
  • Bids: 0
  • Views: 5,860 Condition: New
  • Seller: bernard1234
  • Posted: April 22, 2017 6:11 pm

I am listing 12 french black copper marans eggs that are dark (they range from 5 to 7 on the maran scale depending on the hen. However, color of eggs will vary depending on the time of year. The photos above were taken when my hens were laying at their darkest.)  This auction will give you chicks to start your own flock of these beautiful dark egg laying birds.  
I have been breeding marans for about five years now, improving the quality of the line with each generation of marans. I strive for not only dark mahogany eggs, but beautiful birds as well. 
When your eggs arrive, please unpack them and allow them to rest in a carton, large end up, for at least 8 to 10 hours before placing them in the incubator.  
Hatching eggs are extremely time sensitive, so please pay within 12 hours so I can ship fresh eggs to you.  If you can NOT take immediate delivery, please wait until the next auction to bid, so that the eggs can be as freshest as possible.  I only ship to certain parts of the United States.  I do not ship to Hawaii or Canada. 
Please be aware shipped eggs can be a risk before bidding.  I do not offer refunds, accept returns or ship free replacement eggs.  If you cannot accept the risk associated with shipped eggs, please consider buying live chicks from a hatchery.  Please be aware of any bad weather in your area and bid accordingly.  Please be sure you agree to these terms before bidding.  
I have a great hatch rate, however I cannot guarantee your hatch rate due to postal handling and incubation methods.  Please leave feedback on the condition of the eggs when you receive them and I will leave feedback for you. 
If you have questions, please feel free to ask.
Beware of sellers who claim to be selling show quality or true French Black Copper Maran eggs. Somethings to make sure the  Maran has: feathered shanks (not too heavy), amber/orange eyes (not black), copper around its neck (both hen and rooster), and the eggs have to be 4 or darker on the maran scale!