100% English BBS orpingtons- This is the first time we have offered eggs from these birds … Most are pictured at 7-8 months old. They still have a lot of growing to do….. We purchased our original stock out of imported birds and have bred and culled very strictly for the past few years for our breeder flock. We practice spiral breeding to keep our lines true but avoid inbreeding, We added one cockerel 2 years ago to outcross, and crossed back to our original birds from imports. Our oldest girl is the splash. She is going on 6 years old and still lays, and will brood anything. These are not related to any other lines being offered -These are exclusively Triple Creek Farm lines. Our cockerals regularly mature 12 pounds or more, our heaviest at 17 pounds, while our hens average 10 pound or so. They are a very gentle and large breed. They mature and grow fast, yet It does take them approx. 15 months to reach mature size and weight. These Orpingtons are decent layers, but do lay late at about 10 to 11 months of age . It is worth the wait… They will hatch their own eggs. You will hatch mostly Blue and splash ,a few blacks.
Eggs are fresh, no more than 2 days old when shipped.
We hatch these same eggs offered weekly. Fertility is excellent..we recently had one buyer across country get 100 percent hatch from our shipped eggs. Our poultry are raised all natural..no chemicals and are fed fresh green fodder daily
Buying shipped eggs is a risk. Once the eggs leave my hands their handling is out of my control. If you do not understand this, Please meet your hatching egg needs elsewhere. I will not accept returns on hatching eggs. I will be glad to mark them hold for pickup if wished.
Local pickup is also an option if you are close to eastern NC.
We try to package well and send fresh fertile eggs plus an extra or more if available just in case of breakage. . If your eggs do end up scrambled..please contact us before leaving negative feedback..accidents happen and our packages are insured. We try to be fair in all of our dealings and we want you to get hatchable eggs
Be sure to see our other listings!
Ducklings and chicks of many breeds available also. We do ship.
Ducktailshatchery. com
Fb page. Triplecreekfarmnc
Email ducktailshatchery@gmail.com